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Adding files to your Xen.ed course and Inserting images in Xen.ed courses

Throughout your course creating, you will likely want to upload files for your students to access. If you want to include images in your lessons or make handouts available for students to download, you need to make sure you've uploaded them to your course first. Here's how: 

First, make sure you're in Xen.ed Studio. 

Then, from the "Content" drop-down menu, select "Files & Uploads" 

This is your "Files & Uploads" page, Here you can simply drag and drop a file or you click on browse your computer to search and upload a file.

You'll notice that for every file you upload, two URLs are generated. The Studio URL is for adding links to the file in course components. The Web URL is for linking to the file outside Xen.ed, such as in email. Students can only see a file if you create a link to it. You can simply click on below mentioned options to copy the links.

90% of the time, you'll want to use the Studio URL.

That's all there is to it! You're now free to use your file however you like! 

Inserting images in Xen.ed courses

Next, head to the unit in which you want your image to appear, still in Studio. You'll need an HTML component if you haven't got one already, so if needed, select HTML and then Text from the component menu. If you've already got one you're looking to insert an image into, just go ahead and skip this bit.

Once you have your HTML component, go into the editor by hitting Edit and select the Insert/edit image button on the editor controls.

Here you will find all the images that are inserted in the course just select the image and click on next.

write a short description in the 'Image Description' field. This description will help non-sighted learners enjoy your content. 

 If the image is purely decorative, leave this field blank, as this will tell a screen-reader to skip this image. For more information on writing alternative text, try this article from WebAIM

Just press insert image on the bottom of the screen, and as if by magic your image is now in your content. If you want to edit the image size before clicking on insert image you can update the width and height will be adjusted automatically or you can update the height width will be adjusted automatically according to the image dimension. If Lock proportions are ticked, your image will maintain its proportions, preventing it from being squashed. We recommend never increasing the size of your image above its original dimensions, as this can lead to a loss in quality. We recommend that you do not use the handles to resize your image in the visual editor window, as this can lead to squashing your image, and can look very messy. 

Hopefully, you should now have no trouble including images in your content.

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