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Timed Exams
Timed exams enhance focus and time management skills, preparing learners for real-world pressures. Knowing an exam is timed encourages learners to prepare thoroughly, covering material comprehensively rather than focusing on individual topics.

Timed exams create a level playing field, as all learners have the same constraints and conditions, which can improve the fairness of the assessment process.

They also reduce opportunities for cheating, ensuring a fairer assessment of knowledge and abilities.

From the Authoring Tool, you can create exams with a time limit.

1. Enable Timed Exams in Advanced Settings

From the Xen Authoring Tool, navigate to the Advanced Settings section (the "gear" icon in the course toolbar). 

Locate the Enable Timed Exams option and set it to “true,” making sure to save your changes.

Now, Timed Exams are active for your course.

2. Configure a Timed Section

Identify the section that contains your timed exam or quiz, and click on the configure icon (a small gear icon). 

  • Navigate to the Advanced tab. 

  • Select the Timed radio button. 

  • Choose a time limit using the HH:MM format, then click Save

Learner Experience

Once set up, the exam will display in the Learning Portal as a Timed Exam. When a learner clicks on the exam, they will receive a notification indicating that it is timed, but the clock will only commence once they click the I am ready to start this exam button.

Note: The content on the exam notification page cannot be edited. If adjustments are needed, please contact your Customer Success team.

During the Exam

While taking the exam, a new navigation bar will appear at the top of the page, reminding the learner that they are currently taking an exam and showing an active countdown timer indicating the remaining time.

Ending the Exam

After completing the exam, learners can click the End My Exam button to stop the timer. They will then be prompted to confirm whether they want to submit their timed exam.

Upon submission, learners will receive a confirmation message.

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