
You can control the speed of the video, volume, screen size and captions, and pause it whenever you like.

Add videos to your courses
To add a video, simply click the Video or Multimedia button (depending on your version) underneath Add New Component, which is towards the bottom of the page.
Video link (Xen.Ed 1.0)
Click "Video" and Xen.Ed will insert a default Video Player into the course.
Multimedia link (Xen.Ed 2.0)
Click "Multimedia" and Xen.Ed will prompt you with the choice between "Video" and "Audio".

Click "Video" and Xen.Ed will insert a default Video Player into the course.

A default video will load, but you can replace it by clicking Edit and pasting a new URL in the Default Video URL box.

From the editing window, you can also change the video title displayed in the unit, as well as uploading a timed transcript, and in the Advanced section in the top right, you can play around with the transcript settings more, like allowing for students to download it. Don't forget to hit save for any changes you make.

You can control the speed of the video, volume, screen size and captions, and pause it whenever you like.
When captions are enabled, the transcript appears alongside the video. Students can click anywhere in the transcript to jump to that location in the video.