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Registering new Staff users
Please note: In order to be involved in Xen.Ed in any capacity, a Staff user must first be registered.

They can create their account themselves by using your existing public registration process, or you can create the account on their behalf from your Instructor dashboard.

My user is already registered

If the user you wish to add is already registered, you can go to the Instructor Dashboard and click Membership.

  1. In the text field below Batch Enrolment start typing the email address of the users you wish to register.

    If you are registering new users to be instructors or team members, and you don't want them to be learners, make sure you uncheck the box that reads Auto Enroll.

  2. Click Enroll.

Add an instructor or staff member to a course

Add a Team Member (AKA, course co-authors, staff)

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