Content Libraries
Content libraries are banks of course content that course authors can use to create randomized content blocks, which will pull in a predetermined number of random assets from the library. This is a good way to ensure that tests and quizzes always have different questions for each student or to create unique experiences for each student.
Follow these simple steps to set up your own content library.
From Xen.ed Studio Home, you can see courses and libraries. To add a new Library, click "+ New Library"

Fill in the appropriate information and click "Create"
Notice that similar to when you're creating a course, some information cannot be changed later, and the Library Code will be part of the library URL, so it must contain no spaces or special characters.

Add your content.
Adding content to a library is almost the exact same process as adding content to a course normally. With libraries, however, you are limited to 3 types of components: HTML, Problem, & Video. Other than that, the process is the same.

After you've added content, you can edit it.
Content Libraries are very flexible. Do anything from change components, duplicate, delete, and even import/export entire libraries (more on that below).

Randomized Content Blocks
Content Libraries are created to be used in Randomized Content blocks. Follow these simple steps to see how they're used.
Enable content libraries in Xen.ed Studio
Navigate to 'Advanced Settings' and add "library_content" to the Advanced Module List.

Navigate back to the course outline, and add a randomized content block.
Click the "Advanced Component" button, and then select "Randomized Content Block"
Select the library you want to add to the block & adjust your parameters
If your randomized content block has no library attached to it, you will be shown an error message. Click "Select a Library" or "Edit" to set the library you would like to associate with the block.
Make sure you click Save, and that's all there is to it! In this particular unit, students will be shown five random questions from TEST LIBRARY 1.