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Public or Private? The visibility of your Learning Portal
You can manage how your learners get access to your Learning Portal.


By default the Portal is always set to a Private mode, to be accessed only via a login form which requires Learners to have an active account.

In this mode, your Learning Portal is in "Invite mode" only:
  1. Staff users register Learners and have the option to enrol the new account in any of your courses.
  2. Learners receive an invite via email,
  3. Learners activate their account by choosing a password.
There is also an option to bypass the invite email and instead choose a password on their behalf, when better suited to your needs.


Alternatively, you can make your Learning Portal Public, and allow members of the public to sign-up instead.

This is achieved by activating the "Allow Sign-ups?" setting in the Xen Admin Panel. When set to “Allow”, the Learning Portal will display a sign-up page to the public, as well as a link to this page in the main navigation:
You can also set your courses to be open so registered learners can self-enrol, or use the Xen e-commerce option to provide access against a 1-time or recurring payment. The Xen customer success is available to discuss this option for your tenancy.
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