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Managing calendars & events
In Xen, each course maintains its own calendar.
The Learner Dashboard shows a centralised view of all events from every course they are enrolled in.

Adding and Managing Events

1. Access the Course
Navigate to the course for which you want to manage calendar events.

2. Enable "Staff" access (previously "Instructor")
Click the "Staff access" toggle located in the top-right corner above the course content to enter the Staff management mode. Please note, this may also be called Instructor tools depending on your version of Xen.

3. Manage the Calendar
Select the "Calendar" tab which appears once "Staff" mode is activated.

4. Create a Calendar (optional)
If no calendar exists, you will be prompted to create one.

5. Add/Manage Events
From the Calendar tab, you can add new events or modify existing ones.

Key Points to Remember

Automatic Invitations
Adding an event automatically sends invitations to all learners enrolled in the course and displays the event on their Dashboards.

Calendar Availability
Not all courses may support the calendar feature. Adjust the availability of calendars in specific courses through the Admin settings.

Ensuring Effective Management
These steps ensure you can seamlessly manage course-specific events, significantly enhancing the learning experience and participation.
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