
The passport must entered in the format: "id:client_key:client_secret". The quotes are important:

Explain Everything integration (LTI)
You can integrate Explain Everything with your Xen.Ed tenancy, and seamlessly connect them. You can add your Web Video Links and embed to the content you post in your courses, create and send Explain Everything-based assignments, and conduct live whiteboarding sessions during lessons.
Your organisation will have instant access to features that come with the integration — the ability to create “Project Activity”, “Watch a Video”, and “Record a Video” assignments.
Note: Only Admins and Managers of Explain Everything Group Accounts can enable LMS integrations in accounts and courses. A paid Explain Everything account is necessary to be able to use Explain Everything LMS integration features.
Before you start
Make sure your user role allows adding external apps. If you don't see the option of adding an app, it means your Account Admin may have disabled this permission.
Have your Integration Keys handy for copy-pasting as you'll need them during the process. These pieces of information combined form what is known as an LTI "passport".
Please note: These values should be your own and be kept safe to avoid giving anyone access to your learner data!
1. Adding your LTI passport to your Xen.Ed course
Navigate to your course's Advanced Settings and scroll down or search the page to find the LTI Consumer Passports field.

The passport must entered in the format: "id:client_key:client_secret". The quotes are important:
- The ID is what we use to tell Xen.Ed what key to use. In this case we'll use ExplainEverything as our ID, so that you can easily identify it later, especially if you setup several LTIs.
- The client_key is the Explain Everything Customer Key.
- The client_secret is the Explain Everything Shared Secret.
When put together, it should look like this:
2. Insert your content using the LTI Consumer component
Now that you have an LTI passport set up, the final thing we need to do is insert Flat into your course.
First, make sure to enable the component from your Admin/configuration panel. Make sure "LTI Consumer" is available in the list on the right.

Once this is enabled, navigate to the page where you want to insert the assignment or activity. Under Advanced, select LTI Consumer.

From the newly dropped component, select Edit. and set your Display Name to a name that matches your activity.
Then fill the URL field with the following value:
If your content is a problem that you want to grade, ensure that you set Scored to True and give it a Weight of however many points you want the question to be worth.

Note that this is useful even if the subsection isn't graded, as the learner's practice scores will still pull through to let them see that they've completed the activity and give the learner the satisfaction of seeing a correct score recorded.
Lastly, but most importantly, set Send Extra Parameters to True.
This will send details like the learner's email address across to Explain Everything and allow their progress to be saved and recalled.