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Using cohorts
To create smaller communities in your course, or to design different course experiences for different groups of learners, you can set up cohorts in your course.

To use cohorts in your course, you define a set of cohorts that are either random or that reflect some characteristic of the communities of learners in your course. Then, you decide on a strategy for assigning learners to these cohorts.

With learners divided into smaller groups based on cohort, you can give learners a course experience that is specific to the cohort that they belong to. You can divide discussion topics by cohort so that learners only interact with other members of the same cohort. You can create course content in such a way that learners in different cohorts are offered different variations of assignments or exams.

Cohorts can be defined manually or automatically - by location, education level, company, school, and more. Before we get into all that though, let's start with the first steps:
  1. The first step is to start the LMS, and then navigate to your Instructor Dashboard for the course you want to use Cohorts in.

  2. Next, simply click "Add Cohort".

  3. Now, you will have the ability to name your cohort and configure its default settings. 
You should be able to add students to your newly created cohort (as long as it has been configured as a manual cohort).

NOTE: If you wish to add students via CSV, be sure to  check out these guidelines for formatting your CSV. In order to see how to create automated cohorts, check out this article.
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