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Activate or deactivate a Certificate

Activate a Certificate

When you have verified your certificate, a course team member with the Admin or Staff role can activate the certificate.

Course team members without the Admin or Staff role cannot activate a certificate.

To activate a certificate, follow these steps.

  1. Make sure that you have the Admin or Staff role for the course.

  2. In Studio, on the Settings menu, select Certificates.

  3. On the Certificates page, select Activate.

After certificates are activated, learners in your course who attain a passing grade or otherwise qualify receive certificates.

Deactivate a Certificate

In some situations, after you have activated a certificate, you might need to deactivate the certificate to make changes.
Only course team members that have the Admin or Staff role can deactivate a certificate.

As a best practice, do not make changes to certificates in a running course if the course has already issued certificates to learners.

To deactivate a certificate, follow these steps.
  1. In Studio, on the Settings menu, select Certificates.

  2. On the Certificates page, select Deactivate.

The certificate is no longer active and the course team can edit it. No new certificates can be issued to learners while it is deactivated. Learners who have already been issued certificates can continue to access them.
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