Video limits in Xen Stream
Xen Stream is a paid add-on that allows you to host, upload, and deliver high-quality video content within your courses.
While the Xen team endeavours to meet your needs, there are limits imposed onto the platform by upstream providers Xen relies on.
As such, the "Xen Stream" paid option limits any individual upload to 30 GB maximum.
Should you need to upload larger files, we encourage you to split the video and organise them in a playlist instead.
By default, you can have up to 120 videos in progress, queued or in downloading state at the same time. Videos in the error, ready or pending upload states do not count toward this limit. This limit does not apply to views from your learners.
By default, you can have up to 120 videos in progress, queued or in downloading state at the same time. Videos in the error, ready or pending upload states do not count toward this limit. This limit does not apply to views from your learners.
Your account will not be able to upload videos if the total duration of all videos in the account exceeds the video storage capacity purchased with your subscription.
Uploads over these limits will receive a 429 (Too Many Requests) or 413 (Payload too large) HTTP status codes with more information in the response body.
If you need your limits raised, please contact the Xen support explaining your use case.