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Showing answers to a problem
This problem's setting adds a Show Answer option to the learner side.

The following options define when the answer is shown to learners.

After All Attempts
Learners will be able to Show Answer after they have used all of their attempts. Requires max attempts to be set on the problem.

After All Attempts or Correct
Learners will be able to Show Answer after they have used all of their attempts or have correctly answered the question. If max attempts are not set, the learner will need to answer correctly before they can Show Answer.

After Some Number of Attempts
Learners will be able to Show Answer after they have attempted the problem a minimum number of times (this value is set by the course team in Studio).

Always present the Show Answer option.
Note: If you specify Always, learners can submit a response even after they select Show Answer to see the correct answer.

Learners will be able to Show Answer after they have correctly answered the problem.

Learners will be able to Show Answer after they have made at least 1 attempt on the problem.
If the problem can be, and is, reset, the answer continues to show. (When a learner answers a problem, the problem is considered to be both attempted and answered. When the problem is reset, the problem is still considered to have been attempted, but is not considered to be answered.)

Attempted or Past Due
Learners will be able to Show Answer after they have made at least 1 attempt on the problem or the problem’s due date is in the past.

Learners will be able to Show Answer after they have used all attempts on the problem or the due date for the problem is in the past.

Correct or Past Due
Learners will be able to Show Answer after they have correctly answered the problem or the due date for the problem is in the past.

Learners will be able to Show Answer after they have used all attempts on the problem or the due date for the problem is in the past or they have correctly answered the problem.

Learners and Staff will never be able to Show Answer.

Past Due
Learners will be able to Show Answer after the due date for the problem is in the past.

Show Answer: Number of Attempts

This setting limits when learners can select the Show Answer option for a problem. Learners must submit at least the specified number of attempted answers for the problem before the Show Answer option is available to them.
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