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Add Links to Your Personal Social Media Accounts

If you select the Full Profile option, you can add social media icons on your profile that link to your personal Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn account pages.

To add links to your social media accounts to your profile, follow these steps.

  1. At the top of any page, select Account from the dropdown menu icon next to your username.

  1. On the Account Settings page, under Social Media Links, enter either your username or the URL to the profile page for each social media account that you want to add to your profile.

For example, if your Facebook username is testuser, you can enter either testuser or

For LinkedIn, note that your username might include numbers. For example, if the URL of your LinkedIn profile page is /firstname-lastname-123456/, your LinkedIn username is firstname- lastname-123456.

The site saves your changes when you click outside the text field.

When you view your profile, icons for the social media icons that you added links for appear below your username. Other learners or course team members can click those icons to visit your social media account page.

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