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The audio in a course won't play automatically

In recent years some browsers, specifically, Safari and Chrome, have changed settings for auto-play on video and audio which may impact media you insert in your course. 

You should not experience this issue with courses created in Xen.Ed, but you may encounter it if your content was imported from another platform or is included via an iframe (SCORM, LTI, Raw HTML). We apologise for any inconvenience these browser changes could have  on your learners' experience.

To adjust your settings so that autoplay is enabled in Chrome:
1. Click on the lock icon in the address bar, then select Site Settings.

2. On the Site Settings page, under Sound select Allow.

To adjust your settings so that autoplay is enabled in Safari:

1. With Safari open, select the Safari menu option, then select Settings for This Website.

2. Change Auto-Play to Allow All Auto-Play.

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