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Connecting your own domain name to your Xen.Ed site
How to use your own domain on your Xen.Ed instance, by adding DNS Records in your email hosting provider.

By default, your learners will access your Xen.Ed site with a generic sub-domain like "".

While this works for most cases, we understand that it is important to apply your own branding across all your customers touch-points - including your Xen.Ed site.

Please note that you may need assistance from your IT or your hosting provider to get this working, depending on your circumstances.

How it works

1. Choose a sub-domain

Since this is what your users will type and view in your linking strategy, it is important to choose a sub-domain address that suits your scheme.

While we usually recommend the following, you can elect whichever suits your own situation best:
  • learn.yourdomain.extension
  • courses.yourdomain.extension
  • my.yourdomain.extension
  • student.yourdomain.extension
  • lms.yourdomain.extension

2. Start the verification process with Xen.Ed Support

Once you are happy with your choice, you can raise a support request and we will organise the upgrade for you.

You will then receive a list of records to be added to your domain.

Depending on your setup, it may include more or less of the below options:
  1. Learning Portal: Your main learners-facing site - MANDATORY
  2. Authoring Tool: Your own access to the studio authoring tool. - MANDATORY
  3. Preview: Your own preview link from Studio. - MANDATORY
  4. Payments: The e-commerce URL of you sell courses online trough Xen.Ed. -OPTIONAL
  5. Reporting & Analytics: The reporting toolset. - OPTIONAL
Please follow the instructions provided in your support request by our engineers.

3. Add sub-domain records to your DNS

The final step is to update your DNS zone by adding the relevant records with the relevant values provided to you by the support agent in your request.

While it is fairly easy to add these records to your DNS zone, make sure to check with your IT or hosting provider if you are unsure, as incorrect information could prevent your website or emails to function properly.

In addition, for every real sub-domain, we will require you to add their equivalent for verification of the SSL certificates (HTTPS).

This means that you will create from 6 to 10 records as part of this phase.

Edit links for popular Registrars and Hosting providers 
Please note: It may take 12 hours for new or updates records to propagate worldwide.

Once propagated and verified on our end, your Xen.Ed site will be accessible from your own domain name!
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